Saturday, February 16, 2019

Kannawidan Festival Insights

Image result for kannawidan festival insights  KANNAWIDAN is an Ilocano term which means “a feast of all heritages, practices and products” in Ilocos Sur. This year will be its 195th anniversary. The celebration formulates various activities wherein its main thrust is tourism promotion through the presentation of talents, native costumes, traditions, cultures and products that is definitely Ilocos Sur. Exposing these heritages to others will definitely strengthen its demand thus further generating job opportunities and more income to the communities in the province. This week-long festivity, which is principally sponsored by the Provincial Government of Ilocos Sur, currently headed by Governor Ryan Luis Singson, aims to develop the province into an economically-strengthened community and to in still pride in its citizenry with their very rich heritage.

Image result for kannawidan festival insights  These include traditional tribal rituals, choir and glee club competition, marching band contest, traditional music ensemble, dance drama, traditional and folk dances, contemporary dance competition and street dancing showdown. These events aimed to encourage young Ilocanos to learn these indigenous songs and dances for sustainability and preservation. This Kannawidan Ylocos Festival aims to create awareness on the preservation of the province’ rich cultural heritage, practices and traditions, and a showcase of the different agriculture and industry products. We, Ilocanos should all be proud of with this because we are having this for tourists to appreciate our rich culture. Moreover, let us all preserve these cultures for next generations and this will serve as our trademark as an Ilocano. All of these are evidence that the Kannawidan Ylocos Festival is already becoming a fast rising festival in the country as shown by the number of participants and tourists who flocked and become a part of the festival. Kannawidan indeed is an attraction because it showcases the culture of Ilocanos that made them distinct from other ethnic groups of the Philippines.

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